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"Data, data, data, I cannot make breakthrough's without data" -Holmes

Dear James Cameron and Guy Ritchie,

During a time span of 14 days, I have watched your movies of Avatar three times and Sherlock Holmes twice. I swear I now see everything in 3D and I anticipate the flower I keep poking at will glow in the dark at any moment now. Also, I want that zappy thingy, you know, the one that can launch a 200 pound man 5 feet into the air. Cool stuff.


PS: Avatar still being sold at this many weeks after release? Seriously? Take that Twilight!

So...yeah, I've seen a lot of movies recently. Or rather, I've seen the same movies many summary, the movies are like this

Avatar = (Day After Tomorrow + Terminator)^Pocahantas + (0.1)(Michael Bay)

Conclusion: Go see it. In 3D.

Sherlock Homes = (House x Wilson) - Medicine + Murders + Zappy Thingy

Conclusion: If you like House, you'll love this. If you like Holmes, go get yourself addicted to House (Hi Grace...)

- Insert transition because I sat here for 5 minutes and still can't think of one-

While up at 4am last night and pondering at work today, I began wondering about the point of this blog. After a few coffees and some popcorn I figured the best way to go about this is to not have a plan at all. The wonderful (and painfully hilarious) part of looking back at my old middle school xanga was to see how much I've changed over the years and what events took place that caused those changes. I never really recorded my thoughts down in a place during high school and so, unfortunately, the information and time lines have blurred together over the year and a half I've been in college. (Although I blame some of that memory loss on the wonderful food provided by the College Park diner.)

Also I figure a blog is the best way to keep a record of various lessons learned, funny moments, etc, and then come back in a few years to see if I still remember the context of what happened.

0. It is generally a bad idea to go to sleep at 5am before an 8 hour work day. Sometimes, it is a good idea.

1. Dangling a bamboo sandwhich in front of a starving Korean panda is cruel and most definitely unusual.

2. Tanks should have the courtesy of waiting for the Whack-a-Mole players to finish before ripping their faces off. It's good to be polite.

Ah, and retroactively,

-1: If you push really hard, you can use a chocolate bar as a marker. (Credited to Mike Xie)

And with that, I'm calling it. Time to make like a tree and get the **** out!


Is it Twenty Ten, or Two Thousand Ten?

Hello 2010! The new year has finally arrived with the official end of the Steam holidays sales. Now I can finally kiss 2009 and about $80 or so goodbye. Time to embrace 2010, the start of a new year, heck, a new decade! Time to do the same old things all over again but I can feel refreshed by calling it the first time of the decade. Like the first Pepsi drink OF THE DECADE. My first sneeze OF THE DECADE. Last but not least my first “OMFG ITS 4AM WHY THE HECK AM I NOT ASLEEP YET WHEN I HAVE WORK TOMORROW”….OF THE DECADE! None of the above statements can be repeated with accuracy for another 10 years by which time I’ll be approaching 30…I shudder at the thought….

Anyways, on to new year resolutions!

1) Eat
2) Sleep
3) Breathe
4) Consume Pepsi
5) Finish some games
6) Play as a carry hero and solo mid
7) Spend less money on random things
8) Save up money and get a car, macro lens and a flash
9) Have a 1 to 1 ratio of time playing actual guitar and time spent air guitaring
10) Take more pictures
11) Update facebook / flickr pictures more than once every few months
12) Update this blog about as often as I update facebook / flickr
13) Break Java
14) Break a Macintosh
15) ROFL… at least once

All statements and conditions stated above are not guaranteed and are non-binding. No refunds or exchanges will be allowed. Certain tax fees may apply, be sure to check your local town center or Google for any applicable hidden fees. Be reading this statement, you waive the right to sue the poster of this blog for any injuries sustained during the reading of this blog. If you do sustain any injuries, I reserve the right to call you an idiot and laugh at you. Any side effects such as headaches, coughs, sneezes and delusions of grandeur are purely coincidental. If you experience any serious side effects or sudden loss of memory, please go see your doctor because you may have cancer or H1N1. Certain restrictions apply, void where invalid. Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

And so…

the first relaunch of the To The Point Blog about life, games, current events, random rants, “lol wut?” moments, and who knows what else…